Tasting California Olive Ranch’s 2015 Olio Nuovo – from Artois California
In this episode of the Olive Fantastic Video Blog, I’m tasting Olio Nuovo from California Olive Ranch (COR), located in Artois California. They call it “Limited Reserve,” but it’s fresh Olio Nuovo to us!
Name: Limited Reserve
Variety/Blend: Arbequina & Koroneiki
Date Harvested: October 2015
Bottle Size/Format: 500ML/Square/Antique Green/ROPP Cap + Pour-Spout Insert
Price: $19.99/500ML bottle
Nose: 2 out of 3 – Full of fruit, with delicate notes of guava and papaya, tangled in with sweet green hay and ripe red apples.
Fruitiness: 3 out of 3 – In line with the nose of the oil, there were amazingly noticeable notes of guava and papaya, highlighting the fruity components of the oil. I also tasted strong sweet green hay notes and ripe red apples.
Bitterness: 1 out of 3 – Absolutely very little bitterness, if any at all. This helped those fruity components really shine.
Pungency: 2 out of 3 – Outstandingly clean pepperiness in the throat, it was delayed, but had a nice bite. It really brought out a fresh cinnamon flavor component that I liked.
Intensity – Dewey’s Rank: Mild to Medium
Where to Buy: http://shop.californiaoliveranch.com
Limited Reserve (Olio Nuovo) California Olive Ranch – 2015 Harvest
If you’d like your olive oil featured, I’d be happy to taste it, it’s FREE, contact me at dewey@olivefantastic.com – thank you, and enjoy.
**I want to thank California Olive Ranch for the free product, and for allowing me to review their olive oil. All opinions and tasting notes are my own, and I am not affiliated with, work for, or paid by any of the companies I taste oil from on my video blog. I only represent my own company and brand: Olive Fantastic. I truly enjoy tasting these olive oils, and aim to educate you on their unique flavors and even more importantly: how to taste and evaluate olive oil for your own use. That’s my goal here, to educate everyone I possibly can on the greatness of premium 100% extra virgin olive oil!
I love talking olive oil, please feel free to contact me via email or phone. Here is my contact information:
Dewey Lucero
Olive Fantastic
9385 Old State Hwy, Unit #4
Newcastle, CA 95658
Phone: 530-514-4006
Fax: 4215 4879 125
Email: dewey@olivefantastic.com
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