OLIVE FANTASTIC | The Art and Science of Olive Oil, Gourmet Food & Retail
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Alexis Simpson

Retail Education

Learn the ins and outs of retail, and secrets many successful companies use to generate sales, and create a fantastic customer experience.

Alexis Simpson

Olive Oil Education

One of my biggest goals in life is to educate everyone I possibly can on extra virgin olive oil. Everything to what “extra virgin” means, to how to use it in cooking, and how it’s grown and processed. You’ll be an olive oil guru when we are done!

Alexis Simpson


I’ll be interviewing many of the most influential business owners, pioneers and professionals in the olive oil industry.


You might call me an olive oil guru, or at the very least a passionate ambassador for California Extra Virgin Olive Oil. However I am labeled, my goal is simple: to educate everyone I possibly can about CA EVOO’s greatness. My mad love affair with the Golden State’s olive oils began early in life and eventually led me to discover my true super powers: immersing myself and my “let’s do this!” attitude in the industry’s brand building, public and consumer relations, and sales processes. I’ve never been afraid to get my hands dirty, because in my world, with the right attitude and willingness to work your olive off, everything is possible and can be as smooth, bold, flavorful, and fantastic as your favorite olive oil varietal.

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I love talking olive oil, please feel free to contact me via email or phone. Here is my contact information:

Dewey Lucero
Olive Fantastic
9385 Old State Hwy, Unit #4
Newcastle, CA 95658
Phone: 530-514-4006
Fax: 4215 4879 125
Email: dewey@olivefantastic.com