I’ll be doing one of my favorite things: Tasting & Featuring Olio Nuovos over the next few episodes – Here is my Intro Video
In this episode of the OF video blog, I introduce the next few videos I’ll be posting – a series where I’ll be tasting and analyzing Olio Nuovos focusing on education of the oils and awareness. Also called Olio Nuevo and Olio Novello, which all translate to “new oil.” This oil is super special, because it’s extra virgin olive oil that has just been made, literally fresh off the presses, and bottled…fresh squeezed! So it’s cloudy, rich and complex in flavor, and very robust and peppery. I look forward to sharing these great oils with you in my videos. If you’d like me to feature your Olio Nuovo (it’s free, just send me two bottles), email me at: dewey@olivefantastic.com.
To learn more about Olio Nuovo, read my last post.
Thank you for reading/watching my blog! Dewey
My Email: dewey@olivefantastic.com
I love talking olive oil, please feel free to contact me via email or phone. Here is my contact information:
Dewey Lucero
Olive Fantastic
9385 Old State Hwy, Unit #4
Newcastle, CA 95658
Phone: 530-514-4006
Fax: 4215 4879 125
Email: dewey@olivefantastic.com
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