Taking something normal, and making it something special!
I was inspired by this…simple artistry, and very creative (not something you see every day or at Starbucks). It did take a few extra minutes, but I as a customer, enjoyed my coffee even more so with this (put a smile on my face) and it was memorable. The takeaway for me was that when you work hard enough you can stand out, and when you do, good things happen. I know it’s simple, but it works, you just have to do it.
– Dewey –
Contact me at dewey@olivefantastic.com with comments or questions. Thank you.
I love talking olive oil, please feel free to contact me via email or phone. Here is my contact information:
Dewey Lucero
Olive Fantastic
9385 Old State Hwy, Unit #4
Newcastle, CA 95658
Phone: 530-514-4006
Fax: 4215 4879 125
Email: dewey@olivefantastic.com
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